About Krystal
Krystal Snider has 10+ years of experience working in the non-profit field for feminist agencies. She specializes in supporting agencies working with those who have experienced gender-based violence with particular expertise in human trafficking. As a survivor herself of human trafficking, coupled with her years of experience in the field, Krystal has led a variety of community development responses to identify, support and build systemic capacity to reduce barriers to accessing services. Krystal uses trauma-informed, intersectional, anti-oppressive and human rights-based approaches.
Collaborative Community Solutions provides consulting to motivate systems level changes from the community. We are experts at cross-sector relationship building and sustainable program development that considers the unique needs of individuals accessing services.
Public Speaking
Krystal has spoken to a variety of audiences, including fire departments, front-line workers, doctors, students, and those working to end gender-based violence. She is able to facilitate her message to groups as large as 250 people and as intimate as 10 people. If you are looking for someone to speak to your group about gender-based violence, human trafficking, and community collaboration, connect with us!
We provide agency and individual training on the identification and intervention of human trafficking and symptoms of trauma associated with gender-based violence. In our agency training, we take a specific look at the ways in which trafficking will appear in the agency.
The Impact of Victim-Blaming on Human Trafficking Survivors
The Impact of Victim-Blaming on Human Trafficking SurvivorsNothing a person does or says makes that person responsible for their harassment, assault, or victimization – including trafficking. Additionally, nothing a person wears makes them in any way responsible for...
United Way of Greater Atlanta
United Way of Greater Atlanta: Paving the Way for Economic Mobility Through Anti-Human Trafficking EffortsDomestic violence and human trafficking survivors often have a difficult time rebuilding their lives. Gaining financial stability is especially hard because the...
Tools for Law Enforcement and Prosecution
Tools for Law Enforcement and ProsecutionLaw enforcement must protect children and young people from online exploitation. Every human deserves this protection. Law enforcement must also comply with human rights standards. Human trafficking is a very serious problem...